piątek, 25 marca 2011

Skoła Podstawowa nr 11 in Torun - Visit at the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation (24 march 2011)

Yesterday, the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation hosted 28 Polish pupils from the Skoła Podstawowa nr 11 in Torun. We had a workshop on the topic ”Pieniądz zjednoczonej EUROpy”. We talked about what is the euro currency, which countries use it and how it looks like, the similarities and differences between countries. We discussed also what is EVS and how to apply. The children were young and didn’t know English very well, so one of the Polish volunteers of the Foundation, Marta Osinska, helped us with translation and we are very thankful! Dziękujemy bardzo Marta! 

The children brought us presents from Toruń, some delicious Toruński pierniki, traditional gingerbread known as a part of the symbols of the national cuisine of Poland. By the way, did you know that gingerbread was brought to Europe in 992 by the Armenian monk Gregory of Nicopolis? He left to France to live in Bondaroy (France), near the town of Pithiviers. He stayed there 7 years, and taught the Gingerbread cooking to French priests and Christians. As you see, we learn something new every day here in Poland! We had no idea that pierniki came from Armenia and then France, it was kind of funny for us to find out!

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