piątek, 4 lutego 2011

Katolickie Liceum i Katolickie Gimnazjum im. św. Marka in Słupsk - and some advice to survive in Polish trains (30 January – 01 February 2011)

Słupsk. A trip that we will never forget.

You need 7 to 10 hours by train to reach this wonderful city on the Polish seaside, close to Gdansk. But before to get to this wonderful place, you have to go through many ordeals.

Has any of you already been in a Polish train? If not, then here are a few pieces of advice for beginners, particularly girls:

  • First of all, don’t expect to find a seat, especially if you leave from Warsaw. Instead, be prepared to stand for many hours, sometimes on one foot. 

  • If a Polish man offers you a seat, think twice before taking it. 

  • Remember that in every train, there is a compartment reserved for pregnant    women (see below). So the best way to find a seat might just be to pretend that you are pregnant: 

  •  If you see Polish soldiers, run away from them! Especially when they are coming back from vacation in Warsaw and already drunk at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.  
  •  If you ever have problems during the journey, don’t rely on Polish people to come to your rescue. 

       If you are lucky enough to arrive alive and safe, you can finally enjoy the beautiful Słupsk and meet very nice people and students.

      On the 31 January, we were invited in Katolickie Gimnazjum im. św. Marka w Słupsku to conduct workshops on children’s rights and to present our countries. We met 130 students in one day and were completely exhausted! 

      On the 1st of February, we visited the Katolickie Liceum im. św. Marka w Słupsku, and met about 120 students aged 16-18.

       So a short but very intense trip! As usual more pictures in the gallery…

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