czwartek, 3 lutego 2011

Liceum Ogólnokształcące im Ziemi Kujawskiej in Włocławek (22-26 January 2011)

From 22 to 26 January, we were in Włocławek, a small city close to Toruń, in the center of Poland. We visited the liceum Ogólnokształcące im Ziemi Kujawskiej and made presentations about our countries for approximately 200 students aged 17-19, mostly in English but also in French, because some of the students in this school learn French.

Besides English, French and German, many students in this liceum also study Latin. So on the 25th, in the framework of the ‘Dzień Kultury Starożytnego Rzymu’ organized by Agata Kurzępa, the Latin teacher, and of which we were guests of honor, a few students performed extracts from Homere’s Iliad that they adapted. Then they read poetry in Latin. At last, they had a contest for the best Roman costume!

During our stay in the liceum, we were even filmed and interviewed by a local TV station, CW24. We will try to find the link.

I (Ofelya) had a chance to speak Armenian during our visit to liceum as I met an Armenian student Artur Arutjunjan, who was my guide around Włocławek. This was my second meeting with a Polish-Armenian during my project.

On the 26th, Agata Kurzępa and Natalya Bączykowska, one of the students, took us to visit one of the most beautiful Polish cities, Toruń. We had a wonderful time despite the awful weather! We visited the Teutonic Knights Castle as well as the planetarium. By the way, did you know that Copernicus was from Toruń? He is the most famous citizen of the city.

While staying in Włocławek, we were hosted by students’ families, they were especially kind and welcoming and allowed us to learn new things on Polish culture.

I (Louise) discovered what is studniówka and even went to one! For foreigners, studniówka means ‘100 days to go party’. It is a traditional ball for final grade in highschool students (so aged 18-20), similar to senior prom in the USA. It is held approximately 100 days before the matura (the final exam of highschool), hence its name. The students have to bring dates and wear tuxedos for boys, and evening dresses for girls. They even may wear red lingerie underneath, which is supposed to bring good luck at the exam! During studniówka, the students have to dance polonaise, the traditional Polish dance. I was pretty impressed to see how girls could dance with very high heels, now I understand why almost every Polish girl is so good at walking with heels, they learn to dance with them at a young age!

So we wish all the students of the Liceum Ogólnokształcące im Ziemi Kujawskiej good luck for their matura, we are sure that you are gonna do great!

1 komentarz:

  1. And here are some pictures of studniówka:,wobiektywie,354,40,studniowki-2011-lzk-i-lo-im-ziemi-kujawskiej-czesc-1.html
